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What’s So Trendy About Lake Urmia and the Reason for Lake Urmia become Red Lake

Red Lake

There are so many lakes in the World. From that World’s largest lake is the Caspian Sea, and its expanded 371,000 Square Kilo Meter (km2). Lakes have their own stories, specialties, and so many secret things. Likewise, in Urmia, there is a lake, and that has exciting things to discover. Let’s get to know about that.

Lake Urmia is an endorheic salt lake situated between East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan in Iran. And it is located in the southern part of the World’s most extensive lake, the Caspian Sea. Lake Urmia’s surface area at around 5200 km2, length 140 km, width 55 km and the approximate depth is 16m. Lake Urmia is the 6th largest saltwater lake on the Earth. Lake Urmia has its own 102 islands, protected as a National park from the Department of Environment in Iran. Lake Urmia divided into two parts. One is north, and another one is south. And it is separated from a bridge called “ Urmia Lake Bridge”. Not only that, this bridge connected with a causeway and completed in 2008. When talking about the bridge, it provides a 1.5km gap. This bridge allows the small exchange amount of water between the two ends. Because of drought and the increasing demand for water for agriculture, the salinity of the basin of Lake Urmia risen, and larger areas become dry.

Most of the people in the World talk about the Red lake in Urmia. They identify Lake Urmia as Red lake. There is a reason for that. Anyway, Lake Urmia is a green colour lake like other lakes. But in NASA’s satellites captured, the colour changed to red. Let’s see what the reason is for that.

Red Lake
Red Lake


As per the researchers, In Lake Urmia’s water consist of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Li+ and Mg2+ and the main anions (An atom that has more electron than a proton) are Cl−, SO2−4, HCO−. Lake Urmia’s absorption rate of Na+ and Cl− is approximately four times higher than natural seawater. In the North part of Urmia Lake, the concentration of Sodium is slightly higher than when compared to the south part of the lake. The higher evaporation rate and the depth of the southern part of Lake Urmia, Or else Red Lake.

As mention before, Lake Urmia changed colour. This colour change usually happens in the spring and the early summer. It happens because of climate patterns and seasonal precipitation. In northwestern Iran, the spring season is the wettest season and rainfall generally peak in April. Because of the rain, snow that was staying on the nearby mountains melts in the spring season. After that, rain and snowmelt combine and fill the lake with fresh water. The above incident happens in April and the month of May. By mid-July, this process (collecting fresh water to the lake) becomes low, and the water level of Lake Urmia begins to drop. In this season salinity level of the lake is become decrease because of the freshwater. But at the end of July, it’s become saltier than before. The reason is the summer heat and the dryness of that area.

That is the time that Lake Urmia becomes RED Lake. As per the scientists, in this period, microorganisms become active. As per their research, two main groups involved converting green lake into Red lake. Those are called Dunaliella (a family of algae) and Halobacteriaceae (an archaic family of bacteria). But still, scientists didn’t identify which group (algae or bacteria) is the most participate in the change of the Urmia Lake from April to July. But the University of Stuttgart investigator found that the group algae, Dunaliella, should get responsibility and the group of bacteria, Halobacteriaceae, like culprits for this reason. He expresses that sensitive salinity can make the algae turn red due to protective carotenoids that it makes in its cells and water of the Lake Urmia marinated with salt and release red pigments that absorb light and convert it into energy for the bacteria to use”.

The following picture shows a map of Lake Urmia and if you would like to see this lake that will help you.

(Lake Urmia Map)

Let’s find why we should appreciate Nikola Tesla as a person

nikola tesla x rays

Everyone in the world has value in their life. But a few of them are trying to increase their value as humans by doing different things for the world. They are call scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs. From them, one of the craziest person in Nikola Tesla. Let’s get to know about him.

Nikola Tesla is an electrical engineer as well as a mechanical engineer. He was born on 10th July 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, Austrian Empire and raised as a Serbian-American. When talking about Nikola’s childhood, he is a different person, and as per the researchers, he changed after witnessed his older brothers’ accident. In the 1870’s he finished his high school studies in Croatia and started studying engineering and physics until 1878. Tesla didn’t have any degree till the 1880s, and he acquires experience from Telephony. The turning point of his life started in 1884. After graduation from the university, he emigrated to the United States of America. After the emigration of Tesla, he started to work at Edison Machine Works in New York. He gains a lot of experience from that company, but he worked there for a brief period. Because he wanted to do his own thing, he got the help of friends who knew in Finance and Marketing to markup his ideas. Not only that, Nikola started a laboratory started his career as an investor. One of his most significant inventions is X- rays system. It’s called NIKOLA TESLA X – Rays.

As an inventor, he was always searching for inventing the best invention. He started looking into the “Radiant Energy” and called it “Radiant Energy of Invisible Kind”. Mark Twain is a friend of Tesla, and he used Tesla’s lab for his experiments. They become friends in the 1890s’. At that time, Tesla and his friend experimented using Crookes tube (A vacuum-sealed glass container capable of carrying electricity). Because of that, Twain used to visit his lab and do his inventions. One day Mark Twain wanted to take a photo with his vacuum tube. So Tesla tried to get a picture of Twain and the tube. Twain posed for one of the first photographs using incandescent light. The result was unexpected, and they were surprised. After that incident, Nikola Tesla and his previous master Edward Ringwood Hewett invited Tesla’s friend, Twain, to the laboratory and took another photo using Crookes tube. As mention before, it is an electrical device. But Nikola Tesla found that the photo ruined, and a photograph of Twain was spotted and veined. After researching that Tesla sent this ruined photo to German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntigen to check what happened to that photo.

One week later, on 8th November 1895, German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntigen was announced that he discovers the new invention called “X- Radiation” (what Wilhelm called his discovery as X-radiation) created from Crookes tubes. Then only Tesla identified that the photo never ruined, and it was a shadow of camera metal screws.

Nikola Tesla was the one who discovers this application of X-ray; he didn’t want any credits for that, and he proceeded with his own and other experiments with X- rays. Not only that, he tried to improve the technology of X-rays. Nikola Tesla gave full credits to Wilhelm for this discovery. The main reason was on 13th March 1895, and he lost most of his data because when his laboratory in New York burnt down. After 11th March 1896, Nikola Tesla looks a new path on X–rays managed to take images of the human body, and called it “shadowgraphs”. Tesla didn’t give up on his experiments, and he found and express the advantages of using x-ray technology in the health sector. Nikola Tesla described some clinical benefits of x-rays, like determining the lung’s foreign body position and detection. In 1897 Nikola Tesla published a series of articles on NIKOLA TESLA X-rays and their biologic treats in Electrical Review, New York, and he died 1943 in New York.

Even NIKOLA TESLA X-Ray didn’t become famous, his contribution of finding this technology was to take a new path in the health sector. But as a human, we should appreciate NIKOLA TESLA’S inventions and application of NIKOLA TESLA X- Rays.

What you didn’t know about sea whale bubble-net feeding

whale bubble-net

The ocean is one of the most beautiful objects/places in the world. There are so many secrets and so many unidentified things buried in the sea. Not only that, there are so many creatures in that. Shellfish, Cephalopods, Corals and other Invertebrates, Marine Mammals (whales, dolphins), fishes, sea turtles, reptiles, seabirds, sharks, and rays are some of the creatures in the ocean. As mentioned before, there are so many beautiful things in the sea. One of the most beautiful things is “Bubble-net feeding.” Let’s get to know about that.


whale bubble-net

Bubble-net feeding is one feeding style of Humpback whales and Bryde’s whales. Humpback whales mainly use this hunting technique. These whales are called marine mammals. They are a diverse group as well as they widely distributed creatures. Whales are using the surface feeding method, and it is called “lunge feeding.” From that, Humpback whales are different from ordinary whales. They live in Southeast Alaska and off the coast of Antarctica because those places are called their feeding areas. They have distinctive body shape with a knobbly head. Adult whales’ length is 12m to 16m, and their weight is 28 – 33 tons. These species are migratory ones, and they eat for half of the year. In another half of the year, they focused on breeding. Each year they migrate at around 25,000km to tropical or subtropical places for breeding purposes and to give birth. These whales spend their summer months feeding more relaxed water grounds.

“Bubble-net feeding” is a strategy used for hunting within the group of Humpback whales. Still, it’s a complex thing to identify their behavior and signs. They are highly social intelligence mammals.

In their feeding season, they actively feed for 22 hours a day. Sometimes they do it alone as well as the group. When they feed as a group, they gathered 20 whales and participating at once. At that time, they do not eat all. They store enough fat for breeding purposes.

As per above, whales are doing this “Bubble – Net Feeding” as their food pattern. The researchers found humpback feeding events in the Southern Hemisphere. It was in 2011, and they mentioned that that was the first time a “super group” of whales did hunting with the participation of 20 whales.

whale bubble-net
whale bubble-net

As mentioned before, this Bubble- net feeding is a complicated thing to understand as a human. They select a suitable whale and give the leadership to that whale. And he leads the team in this fishing hunting technique. First, the selected leader dives deep into the sea. As per the researchers, whales are usually creating a lot of bubbles when they exhale. For this, they got help from that, and they start to blow air in the deep. It will create more bubbles. After that, the rest of the group members create a circle in that place and blowing bubbles continually. Because of that creating more bubbles, and from that, other small fishes confuse and trap. This technique creates unbearable noises for the fish, and no fish can go out of this trap. Finally, all the whales gathered inside the bubble net and. After that, they open their mouth widely and rise to the surface of the ocean/ bubble net. Then they swallow everything and close their mouth. After that, they push water out through their “Baleen plates (A flexible body part hanging in plates from the upper jaw/whalebone).”

This technique show teamwork of whales, and this teamwork helps them get more leisurely meals. Not only that, this is a fantastic corporation method that can use for anything.

Here are some good habits of attractive people


More persuasive? Better at everything? Have the best careers? Have greater determinations? Tend to have good relationships with other good-looking people? Smarter than others?

Okay, then you can categorize those kinds of people are attractive. Most people think attractiveness is like a magnet, and it’s all about physical things like beautiful or handsome. For them, attractive is a magnet and beautiful/ handsome enough to pull in the attention of others.

Let’s make a sample definition to the attractive.

“Attractive is something that catch the eye not based on physical appearance but from the every aspect.”

According to various studies, they categorized attractive people based on their IQ level. Some researchers found that attractive people are more intelligent and that tact is debatable. Because in some scenarios, people are more intelligent, but they physically unattractive to others. Attractive is all about someone’s perception. If a child not attractive in kid’s age and that kid will not become a smarter adult. Even that kid attractive or unattractive, if people treated him/her as an intelligent kid, that kid tends to become more competent when he/she older because of the way they treat in the past. This method works in the working environment too. If a person gets treated in a good way, that person will become an excellent employee in the workplace, and it will help from the company as well.



Following are some good habits of attractive people.

  • Wear bright colors.

Attractive people always wear bright colors of clothes. Most of them are using Red color. They consider red is a power color for a reason. And they are more confident, and they get more attention.

  • Be emotionally stable. 

No one can control others’ mental condition. And also, nobody knows others’ mental conditions as well. But the mental state of a man can control and understand by themselves. If someone has a mental illness, he/she should go for treatments. If someone’s mental condition is unstable, there is no need to be afraid to get treatments because they are always attractive. If their mental condition is good, they are emotionally stable, and no one can affect your emotions. When someone’s mental health is good, they can become more confident, optimistic, and finally become attractive.

  • Always Smile (When need).

When people treat from a smile, do not hesitate to treat him/her from a smile. It will show the respect you gave towards him/her. Give an affiliative or polite smile but don’t give a dominant smile. 

  • Be honest.

No one wants to hear lies, and no one wants to deal with someone who lies and cheats. Because of that be honest with everyone and help to be an attractive one for the society. 

  • Have a sense of humor. 

Now a day’s some people don’t have a sense of humor. Sense of humor means someone’s ability to say and see funny ways. Laughter is scientifically proving to be an attractive person. When it’s come to relationships, having a sense of humor is suitable for the couple. 

  • Speak clearly and concisely.

As mentioned before, intelligence link with attractiveness. Even its debatable intelligence is a fact that measures attractiveness. When someone speaks clearly with the knowledge, they become more attractive than others.

  • Be kind and show empathy.

When someone is kind, she/he becomes a good person to society. And also they are more attractive than other people. An ugly personality can make an unattractive person. 

  • Be clean

Every man should clean mentally as well as physically. If a person bathes daily and cleans everything that uses they automatically become an attractive person to the world.

  • Don’t stress out. 

Don’t get any unnecessary things to your mind, and don’t get those things seriously. 


Check the above habits of attractive people and be AN ATTRACTIVE PERSON to society.


14 Times You Need to Be Quiet In Life

12 Simple (but essential) things to remember about first love never dies

first love never dies

In 2012 Sokolinski Stephanie Alexandra Mina released an album named “I Thought I Was an Alien”,
and one of the songs is “First Love Never Die”. Artist described that when someone fell in love for the
first time, even they apart and they didn’t see for a long time; their love never got old. Because of that,
many people listen to those kinds of songs and built many pieces about love, first love.

First love means that the first person who fills your heart with romantic affection. When someone falls
in love for the first time, they thought they never leave you and protect the heart forever. Not only that,
when a couple in their first love, they never believe and expect they will separate. When the time
passed even, they have or not, they didn’t recall the person, but they remember every time that they
spent with his or her lover. That’s why all are telling “First Love Never Die”.

Whether it’s a first or second, scientifically, as per Dr Trisha Stratford (Neuropsychotherapist), love is
a chemical reaction that is happening in the brain of the person and creating “Dopamine” (Unique
ability to think and plan) and “Serotonin” (Key hormone that stabilized the mood). Because of these
chemicals produced from the brain, she/he feels an instant attachment to another person. And also, as
long as their brain creating chemicals and sense, the love bond will continue. Whether that person is a
girl or boy, whoever makes the above chemistry in their brain, will be attached to that person. No one
can blame, and no one can reject their choices. And also, no one can forget their first or second, but
their love.

Beauty is the measurement of how someone sees someone’s perception, and it depends on person to
person. And also, some people are falling in love because they think beauty is the essential thing for
love. Not only that; some think money also a necessary thing. Some people fall in love with their first
sight with their partner without knowing about the person. It means that when someone saw a person
and he/she falling in love with that person from first sight. It’s called “Love at first sight”. If those two
peoples’ aura matched, even that person looking good or not, they would fall in love unconsciously.
Love is different from person to person, and it depends on the person’s environment and gender. Men
are loved in another way. They have their ways to love their partner. When it’s come to a girl’s first
love, it’s always become her father. But not all the girls think about it that way. Anyway, as I mentioned
before, it depends on the environment that she grows up in.

Here are some love quotes.

  • “Your first love is always your favorite, and it’s always something special.”
  • “Like an old photograph, time can make feeling fade, but the memory of a first love never fades away.”
  • “The magic of the first love is ignorance that it can never end.”
  • “Anyone’s first love isn’t the first person you give your heart to- it’s the first one who breaks it.”
  • “Sometimes person will never know the value of a moment that had from the first love until it becomes a memory.”
  • “First love never dies. But true love can bury and it alive.”
  • “They say that first love never dies. But you can put out the flames, but not the fire.”
  • “First love never dies, great love never forgets, true love never fades, self-love never breaks you.”
  • “First love never dies…. but when you let go of it, a PIECE OF YOU DIES….. Some smile while remembering their first love. While some shed tears..”

Read more articles like this

We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime – each for a specific reason

Understanding The Background Of Evidence Of Evolution

Evidence Of Evolution

The mocking bird came to bright sunlight and shade, and then came to the edge of a tortoise-shell cup. He lowered his beak into the water and began to drink very calmly. The cup, because it happened, was resting within the hand of a young naturalist named Darwin, but the bird didn’t seem to worry. It continued drinking whilst Darwin raised the cup for a far better look.

Darwin’s eyes widened in amazement, but not the maximum amount as they could have,

The bird on the cup looked very similar to the opposite mockingbirds on the island. Yet these mockingbirds didn’t look quite like those on a close-by island that Darwin had just visited. And those mockingbirds differed from those on the next island over. Each island appeared to have its distinctive mockingbirds.

And why were there species on different islands?

It seemed plausible that these travellers may need come from South America since that’s the closest continent. This was a good reason to observe that galapagos are similar to plants and animals in South America. But it also raised immediate problems: If they were immigrants from South America, why was it not possible to search out any Galapagos species in South America? And why were there completely different species on different islands? This assumption is the reason for all the facts. However, it flew within the face of specific knowledge. At that point, every species was a command to be severally created and unchanging. And not only that, the immigrants to every island must have changed once more.

During those years, Darwin was exhausting at work. If you’re a decent intellectual, you’ll have noticed several equivalent issues that fazed him. Is it highly true that the seeds will travel on the feet of birds? How long will the seed of a tree survive in saltwater? If Darwin’s rationalization holds for the island, we should always realize a similar pattern in alternative island chains. Do we? Darwin found ways that to answer these queries and lots of additional.

In some cases, his approach was too direct and experimental. If we have a bent to had visited his home throughout these years, we’d have found rows and rows of jars throughout that seeds soaked in ocean water. One wall was adorned with ducks’ feet. On every of that (if we tend to look closely), we’d have found seeds embedded in dried mud. He collated info gleaned from the literature and an in-depth correspondence with different scientists to answer different queries. Solely once twenty years did he dare to publish. The ensuing book—On the Origin of Species—is altogether one amongst one in every of} the foremost known in all of science. In it, Darwin argued not solely that evolution happens, however conjointly that the mechanism of evolution could be a method he known as “natural choice.” Darwin’s contemporaries found the primary of those arguments additional persuasive than the second. Most operating scientists came over to the reader that evolution could be a truth throughout Darwin’s period. However, they argued regarding the importance of natural action. 100 and fifty years later, it’s clad that Darwin was right each count. However, his theory of natural action overlooked a lot of details. Those details area unit still an issue of active analysis. There’s no analysis, however, regarding whether or not evolution happens. That issue was settled over a century past and isn’t any longer a remarkable scientific question.

This has junction rectifier to a bias within the method we tend to scientists teach courses and write textbooks. We tend to stress what we discover fascinating and to gloss over the remainder. For this reason, students learn loads regarding the mechanisms of evolution; however, solely a touch regarding the proof that evolution extremely happens.

Things you didn’t know about the Elon Musk story.

Elon Musk story
“I would not say I have a lack of fear. I would like my fear emotion to be less because it is
very distracting and fries my nervous system.”

If anyone can guess the owner of this quote, it will good for them. Because the thing is, it can
tell that person is more passionate about their carrier. The owner quote is Elon Musk.

Here is the Elon Musk story. His full name is Elon Reeve Musk FRS. And he is an
entrepreneur, SpaceX founder, The Boring Company founder and co-chairman of Neuralink
(A neurotechnology company), OpenAI (An artificial intelligence research laboratory), CEO,
Chief engineer, and product arc0hitect of TESLA. Currently, his Net worth in 2021 is 152.2
billion USD. And Elon Musk age is 49. When it’s come to Elon Musk IQ, he scores
155IQ based on his ability to read and apply technical information and use numbers to make
process changes.

Elon is born on June 28 1971, in Pretoria in South Africa. He was the eldest son of 3 children
in his family, and his father is Errol Musk (Engineer), the mother is Maye Musk (Canadian
model). Elon’s brother is Kimbal Musk, and his sister is Tosca Musk. In early childhood, he
bullied at school, and it’s ended up at the hospital. Not only that, but his parents also split when
he was nine years old. After that, he was with his father. As time passed, he doesn’t like to be
with his father, and after graduating from high school, he moved to Canada to study at Queen’s
University (Kingston, Ontario). After, he went to the University of Pennsylvania and graduated
(Degree in Economic and Physics). When talking about his wives and the children, he had two
wives and two girlfriends.

His first wife was Justine Wilson (2000-2008), and she is from Musk’s first university – Queen’s
in Canada. They had twin boys and tripled boys together, and their first son (Nevada Musk)
died ten weeks from birth due to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). After that, he was
dating British actress Talulah Riley (2010-2012) and married in 2010. The couple divorced in
2012, and they remarry after a year (2013). Then again, they divorced in 2016. After all, he
had a girlfriend named Amber Heard and year later they split a year later due to their busy
schedules. And Musk is currently in a relationship with Canadian musician Claire Boucher
(Grimes) since 2018. They are parents with a son called “X AE A-XII”, born on May 5 2020.
And other five children of Elon Musk shares with their mother, Justine Wilson. Elon Musk
twits all the details on his Twitter. The following image shows that the face of Elon Musk
Twitter account.

Like all the billionaires’ story, Elon Musk story is also not a beautiful story. But it is a
motivational story to all the people who want to motivate themselves. Here is the journey of
his incredible carrier.

  • Parents are Divorced.
  • Bullied from school and hospitalized.
  • He applied for the job at Netscape Communication Corporation in 1995 and rejected due to a lack of computer knowledge.
  • In 1995 he and his brother built a Zip2 company, and in 1996, he lost his job as CEO in this company.
  • He started, which later become PayPal from his share that gave by the Zip2 Company.
  • PayPal becomes the worst products in the world.
  • Lost the CEO position of PayPal because of the augment with a CTO of PayPal
  • His main aim is to make a colony on Mars in 2024. For that, he makes SpaceX make that dream successful.
  • He wanted to send a rocket to Mars in 2001, but Russia rejected him twice, and they didn’t give rocket.
  • In 2006 he made the first rocket and failed. After that, he tried in 2007, 2008, 2013 and 2015 but failed.
  • Finally, he succeeded in his dream in December 2015.


Here are the Elon Musk laws of success. Follow that and be successful.

Trust yourself!
Don’t lose your dreams!
Love what you are doing!
Take risks!
Do something important!
Attract good vibes!
Work super hard!
Fail big!
Be positive!

6 first love quotes for those who never forgot their first love.

first love quotes


Every man experienced the feeling of the first love in the world. Most people break up with
their first love, and only a few people have their first love and live with them. But anyone
cannot forgets their first love of life because first love is the one who gave the lovable
experience to their boring life. First love quotes are like boosters to the love life because
these quotes can upgrade their love.


Here are six first love quotes for those who never forgot their first love.

“Your first love is always your favourite, and it’s always something special.”

– Peter Larson –

As mentioned before, Peter Larson (American palaeontologist) also said that first love is
always becoming someone’s favourite whatever memory they had from their first love—as
per this first love always brought fresh experience and its everlasting. And also, it’s always


“Like an old photograph, time can make feeling fade, but the memory of a first
love never fades away.”

– Tim MacGraw –

American singer Tim MacGraw mentioned the memory of the first love in his first love
quote. From this, he expresses that any feeling can fade or vanish from their heart, but
memories of the first love can’t disappear even they die.


“Men are lucky if they are the first love of a woman. Women are lucky if they
are the last love of a man.”

– Charles Dickens –

According to Charles Dickens, an English writer and social critic, express first love
differently. They took gender and describe it. As per him, women think her lover should be
the last love of her life. On the other hand, men think their partner should be their first love,
and if it happens, they thought he is the lucky one.


“As with any other strong drug and true first love is only interest those who
have become prisoners of the first love. And, it is true of any other solid and
addicting drug, true first love is dangerous.”

– Stephen Edwin King –

American author; Stephen Edwin King is the one who brought this first love quote. From this
quote, the author illustrates that how true first love behaves with the lovers. Moreover,
novelist explicit it is like a strong drug and from that anyone can addict. So that is the reason
he mentioned that true first love is dangerous than other feelings.


“Something about first love defies duplication. Before it, your heart is blank and
unwritten. After that, the walls are left inscribed, graffitied, and when it’s over,
they have sketched images. But sooner or later, they find that there’s space for
someone else, between the words and in the margins.”

Tammara Webberm

Tammara Webberm is an American bestseller novelist of New York Times, USA Today and
Amazon. As per this novelist, first love is something that can change the entire life of a man.
It’s mean that before someone falls in love, it is like blank paper. It’s clean, clear and nothing
on it. But after that, it will become a unique place to live and stay.


“Anyone remembers their first love because they show them, prove them, that
they can love and be loved, and it proves that nothing in this world deserved
except for love, that love is both how they become a person and why.”

– John Green –

According to the American author and YouTube content creator; John Michael Green, he
clarified why anyone couldn’t forget their first love. From his first love quote, he wanted to
give some great advice to society. That thing is, anyone can love anyone, and everyone is
lucky how they get love from their partner.


Those are the first love quotes, and I hope you enjoy them. And last, remember this “Every
relationship with your first love doesn’t have a happy ending, but at least they give you
memorable things and experience. So live with those and stay happy without thinking bad

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We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime – each for a specific reason

You will be surprised to know who Aghori baba is and how they live their lives

In Asian countries, people use black magic for different purposes when they live in society. When we consider black magic, India is the one that mostly uses black magic to live.

In Uttar Pradesh, India, there is a small group of people who engage with black magic. They are called Aghori. Eating leftovers (putrid flesh) from the dead human body, drinking something using a vessel made from a bone of a human skull, and applying ash in the human body are known as Aghori. Aghori live near the crematorium, and they take baths from the cremation ashes. An Aghori has different food patterns. They eat food from leftovers from garbage dumps, feces, dumpsites, rotten human corpses, and drink their urine. Aghoris engage in post-mortem rituals.

Uttar pradesh india

When we talk about the term Aghori, it is divided into two as A+ ghor. It means the absence of fear, death, and difficulty. As per the ancient stories, these Aghoris had come from “Kapalikas” (a presumed extinct school). Some think Aghori babas are from Buddhist merged with Hinduism, and some think they came from old Shaiva schools like Darbhanga.

Not only that, they are followers of Lord Shiva and the people of India believe that the Aghori baba is living from the God Shiva in the “Kaliyuga” (Kaliyuga means at present/ kali’s yuga). And also, they considered the fifth incarnation of Lord Shiva. Not only Lord Shiva, but Maa kali is also one of the devotees of the Aghori baba.


Mahakali Shiva

Aghori believe that their mentor is itself, Lord Shiva. Because of that, they think they do not require any teacher. But to become an Aghori, the first practitioner must find a mentor, and he should do whatever that mentor asks him to do. As mentioned before, an Aghori must find a human skull (kapala) from the cremation ground, and he should use only that human skull as his food bowl. This human skull is the true sign of them. They need to sacrifice so many things.

Aghori Baba

They stick to the complete Brahmacharya (staying away from the family). During their meditation period, they never meet their families. They need to sacrifice their family lives too. Moreover, Aghoris believe that if they have any disturbances while meditating, they couldn’t reach their inner goals. After meditating in that way, their inner goals like good-bad, love-hatred, jealousy, and anger are disappeared from them. So they never meet their family members.

They practice their spiritual practices (Tapasya) in three ways.

Aghori Baba

The first one is cremation practice. It means the process of burning dead bodies into ashes. The second one is cremation meditation (Aghori meditate in the cremation ground to enhance their abilities. When it comes to their meditation, they meditate over the dead bodies, which is a symbol of their rise from ‘Shava’ to ‘Shiva.’ They are mainly involved in meditation and dark arts. They are believed to perform Dark Magic. The third one is Shiva sadhana. It is a spiritual practice that the trainer sits on a body for meditation. They stay in the crematorium and spend several years with great difficulty. They sit near the cemetery, and they do penance. It is said that during Tapasya, they gain divine powers from that they get power to heal patients who are in need.


Aghori Baba

The Aghori baba normally wears some animal skin clothing or any other cloth to cover their lower part of the body. They think being nude is a complete rejection from the world and its attachments. But many Aghoris travel around naked, and they haven’t any connectivity with the world. They have no fear of death as well. Although Aghoris always behave in between clean and ugly, holy and cursed and good and bad.

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Could the story of Bob Lazar be true?

bob lazar

Bob Lazar is an American conspiracy theorist. He was born on 26th January 1959.
Bob Lazar worked under a site of extraterrestrial technology. It was a secret site called
“S-4”. U.S.military was secretly experimenting with alien technology in this “S-4” site. It
was near a base in the Nevada Desert. People used to address this area as “Area
.Area 51 is the main facility in the S-4 site. It was Bob who informed the world about
these secret missions.

In a face-hidden interview, Bob talked about Area 51. He covered up his identity with a
name called “Dennis”. All this happened about 30 years ago. It was an incident that
made people talk among people. The program was broadcasted in may 1989.he said
there were nine air crafts. All those are for alien investigations. There were nine flying
saucers of alien origin. all the programs were controlled by the US Navy. however, these
utterances made anonymity Area 51 evaporated forever.

Area 51

According to Bob Lazar, they reverse-engineered the alien technology. The U.S.
military started making an alien craft. Bob Lazar had to figure out the functionality of the
craft. And also to check if the pentagon would duplicate it. He was the one who revealed
this secret project to the world. These so-called crafts are called a “gimbal UFO”. he has
drawn a similar craft he worked on before.

Bob Lazar has no proof to support his core claim of alien technology. His story has
been analyzed and rejected. Universities show no record of him. Supposed former
workplaces have disavowed him. In 1990, he was condemned for his involvement
exceedingly. Once more in 2006 for marketing extralegal chemicals.

However, eight months later, US forces found “Dennis”. They revealed it to the world on
10th November. This program was the most-watched program ever. It rated so high.
This nes spread worldwide. From the next few days onwards Area 51 became crowded.
People began to visit and see the place. This made the US Force so uncomfortable.

Area 51

Area 51 is a remote area between the Nevada Test and Training Range. This area is
administered by the Edwards Air force base of the US Air force. This is the typical area
Bob Lazar talked about. Activities done in Area 51 are made not public. this position is the world’s best secret base. But the US says it is an open training range. Area 51 is a
platform for aircraft experiments and weapon system inventions. Mainly here, theories
about unidentified objects are done. And that is what Bob Lazar revealed to the world.

America president Clinton talked about aliens and Area 51 in a program. But it was
President Obama who revealed the name of this place firsthand.

Could the story of Bob Lazar be true?

Area 51

Do you think this is true? However, it was said to be true. Because Area 51 is a
top-secret place. According to Lazar, EG&G called the company that hired the project.
Scientists were taken to unmarked planes and tinted buses within the site. What is there
to hide that much inside area 51?

Next, Bob Lazar knew the location and test flights of air crafts. Those crafts were
sauce-like crafts. In order to witness this, some people went there at the exact time.
They have seen glowing objects. Some sauces are like flying crafts. Those showed
dramatic actions above the mountains. The most important thing is that the witnesses
and Bob’s story are the same.

The lives of some people who know the true story of Area 51 are at risk. It was said, six
men in black asked the outside researchers to shut their mouths. even men in black
began to threaten witnessed women. Why would they do such if nothing to hide?

Moreover, people have confirmed Area 51. But there are no references for this place.
The US public affairs office says that it is a testing area. Yet, you wom find so-called
designation on the map. These things make people so curious. At the same time
suspicious about US forces.

So we can see there is no delusion at all. Bob Lazar and Area 51 may be true. Most of
the time there will be sauce-like crafts. They will search for aliens so secretly. And that’s
all about Bob Lazar and Area 51

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