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“Does he miss me” Here are 15 signs to check?

A woman in grief

“Does he miss me?”

That is the question that every breakup girls have in their mind. Even they went through a traumatic and horrible breakup, every single day, they suffer from this question. Some girls practice the No contact rule as we mentioned in the…(no contact article)…..article. But on the other hand, some girls tend to think about them and suffer a lot. Even they don’t want to hear from the guy that broke her heart, but then again, he wants him and think about the question, “Does he miss me?”. After that, she started to stalk that guy from social media. It leads to down her self-esteem. And after that, she begins to question herself about her worth. Every time she stalking about that boy, she sees him living his life happily with new girls on social media. Not only that, every time that phone rings or she hear a text message, she always thinks it will be it’s from him. That will suffer her a lot. Because that guy rejects her feeling, she loses her ego and mojo.

Even though she wanted to know about her ex going to miss her, here are 15 signs to check. If ex shows these behaviors, it may help determine how his ex feels about the girl he loved before. Not only, from that, but they can also understand whether he will come back or not.

Does he miss me
  1. He isn’t dating anyone else.
  2. He is still a solo person
  3. He keeps asking the girl’s friends about her
  4. He still talks about the girl who loved
  5. He keeps on to her kinds of stuff
  6. He still follows on her social media accounts
  7. He held her on his profile picture on FB
  8. He has not changed his FB and Instagram status
  9. He shares a couple of photos that he takes with her on Social Media
  10. He keeps calling her at midnight
  11. His friends seek about the girl
  12. He acts jealous of her
  13. He was asking for pictures
  14. He keeps saying sorry
  15. He always talks about you

He doesn’t show the above signs; she should keep going. Even that time also wants to seek validation from someone who can validate himself, ending with nothing. If someone’s ex misses their partner, no one will search for the article or blog like “Does he miss me?”. No one can influence by being with them, or no one can force them to behave as they want. Just think about the following thing.

“A small girl like to pet a dog as well as a cat. Because of that she told her parents that her want a pet. One day her parents discuss about that and went to the animal shelter and ask pets from the owner. Owner give them a baby kitten to them and parents buy that kitten and give it to the girl. She was very happy about that and she expecting to hear bark from the kitten. But kitten is keep meowing.”

Likewise, think of your ex as a cat. The cat is meowing. It can’t bark even someone wants them to bark because that is their behavior. Think wisely and be more realistic.

A woman with her face covered by a hand

Sometimes every couple needs a breakup with their relationship. But it should not mean the end of the relationship. They can start new and go on their life as newly couple. From that, they can understand each other. But if he didn’t want to come back from the relationship, don’t regret you. So if anyone thinks about the question “Does he miss me?” Stop wasting time on that and carry on your path. Start to love yourself. Start to care about yourself.

“What is Beetle Jelly?” Here is some information

Beetle Jelly

“Beetle jelly”

Have you ever heard about that word? Even you don’t know from this article, and you can get knowledge about Beetle jelly. Read and stay with us.

Beetle jelly is a high-protein diet. It is used for all beetle species like Antlike flower beetles, Bark-gnawing beetles, Bess beetles, Lister beetle, Borer beetles, branch, twig borers, and so on. Not only that, this Beetle jelly is only used for phasmids that are only eating fruits. This jelly is used to improve beetle species’ nutrition to get better breeding results from them. As well as this, beetle jelly increased considerably and longevity easier feeding. According to scientists, Beetle jelly is one of the best beetle food available for the beetle species. This jelly is an artificial diet for insects that can keep last longer than other nutritious foods.

When talking about the history of the Beetle jelly, it was created in Japan. The purpose of the beetle jelly is to feed the thousands of hungry beetle species which kept as their pets. But positively, it can also give to more than just beetle. This Beetle jelly can provide many other insects: such as crickets, grasshoppers, millipedes, ants, harvestmen, roaches, velvet ants, and many more.

Usually, half of the jelly cup can feed for an average and medium pair of beetles for one week. A Beetle jelly cup can be sharing with more beetles, which reduces the wastage of the beetle jelly cup. Beetle jelly cup is easy to use. Because beetle jelly comes to the market as cups, it helps to keep it at room temperature for many months. And also, it is unopened and can be stored. That will allow a more professional appearance for these jelly cups.

Beetle jelly cups have many flavors. Those flavors are lactic acid, Watermelon, Brown sugar, Banana, Multi-vitamin, Honey, and many more. Some of the information about the Beetle jelly cups that are in the market is as follows.

Beetle jelly for sale: Ultra High Protein – Banana flavor Jelly

This beetle jelly is made from the banana. This jelly is called “Ultra High Protein.” This cup is great for carnivores (Tiger and Ground beetles, ants, ladybugs, stag, and lots more) and generalists from the users’ details.

Beetle jelly for sale: “Big 48” (Rhino Jelly) – Brown Sugar flavor

Beetle Jelly Brown Sugar flavor

The flavor of this beetle jelly is brown sugar. It is called as “Big 48”. According to the beetle owners, Flower beetles and Rhinos love this beetle jelly. Because of that, this cup is called “Rhinos Jelly.” This beetle jelly cup is consists of 16gm of jelly.

Beetle jelly for sale: “Max 20” – Banana flavor Jelly

Beetle jelly banana flavor Jelly

This beetle jelly cup is consists of 16gm of jelly. This jelly is broad when compared to other beetle jelly cups. This jelly is called “Max 20”. This jelly is a general-purpose jelly.

Beetle jelly for sale: “Healthy Jelly” – Pineapple flavor Jelly

Beetle jelly Pineapple flavor Jelly

This Beetle jelly is also a high protein jelly as the first jelly on this list. This jelly has low sugar and is made with fruit juice. This beetle jelly cup also consists of 16gm of jelly.

Beetle jelly has so many advantages when compared to other dietary sources. Here are 06 advantages of using Beetle jelly.

  • It is easy to refresh and easy to feed the food to the beetles.
  • It is easy to clean the cup and reuse it for the next portion.
  • Can provide a cup couple of days when the owner is away or when no one with the beetle.
  • It is easy to store.
  • It doesn’t waste in a short period.
  • It can keep several days without fermenting.

Hope you get some knowledge about “what is Beetle Jelly?”

And finally, want to say this beetle jelly diet is not fit for the human. And also, this jelly does not make from beetles or insects. This diet is only made for the Beetles. Not made from Beetles.

If you would like to read more articles like this – “Albino Pleco” – If you doubt to raise an Albino Pleco, here are the details that prove the innocent of that fish

“Albino Pleco” – If you doubt to raise an Albino Pleco, here are the details that prove the innocent of that fish

Albino pleco
Pleco is a fish known as Sucker-mouth Catfish and Common Pleco. Its scientific name is Hypostomus plecostomus.” But Aquarists called them “Plecostomus.” This fish belongs to the family of Armored Catfish (Loricariidae). The reason that named this fish as armored catfish is that it has longitudinal rows of armor. And also, the lower part of the body is bare soft skin. It is also a tropical fresh-water fish. These Pleco fish are sold when they are small. Usually, Pleco fish is purchased to clean the algae from the fish tanks. Not only that, it contributes lots of waste to the cycle of Nitrogen. These fish can grow a maximum size of 20 inches (50 cm). These Pleco fishes are semi-aggressive in nature. Pleco fish are called Pez Diablo (Devilfish), Algae eater/sucker, Sucker-mouth catfish, Municipal fish (Ikan Bandaraya – Malay), Janitor fish, Crocodile fish, and Sweeper fish. There are 10 Pleco realities in the world. Such as Zebra pleco, Clown pleco, Royal pleco, Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, Butterfly pleco, Bristlenose catfish, Bushymouth catfish, Blue-eyed pleco, Hypancistrus inspector, and Leporacanthicus galaxias. In today’s article, we focused on the Albino Pleco. Let’s surface and find.

Albino Pleco is not a unique fish in the wild. It is the albino version of Bristlenose pleco/catfish and Bushymouth pleco/catfish. Because of that, they are called Albino Bristlenose pleco/catfish and Albino Bushymouth pleco/catfish. They are called “Albino Plecostomus” as well. No one knows the reason for that, and being an albino fish is a natural phenomenon in their world. But as per the scientist, there is a reason: the body of the pleco fish cannot produce the average amount of melanin. Being an albino pleco is not an easy task. They lack protection, and commonly, they are eaten by other fishes at a young age. But this albino pleco also can live like a regular pleco if its living place doesn’t have many predators.

Albino Bristlenose pleco is a very small catfish in the aquarium. They grow between 3 and 5 inches when becoming adults. This pleco fish has a broader head than the common pleco, and its body is covered with bony plates. And also, it has an armored covering like other pleco fish to protect from the predator. The most remarkable thing is they have fatter and flatter bodies than common pleco fish. They sprout numerous tentacles from the head. The color of the Albino pleco is different from common pleco fish. Albino pleco has nearly pinkish Red eyes and a pink and yellow marbled pattern. Because of that, any albino pleco can recognize easily. That is why all the aquarists want them, and they have high negotiated power for Albino Bristlenose pleco and Albino Bushymouth pleco.

When someone wants to buy an Albino pleco, they should buy a large and more extended tank with a minimum of 25 gallons and a maximum of 30 gallons. And pH value of the water should be between 5.8 and 7. Moreover, the water temperature should be 71 – 80 degrees F (22 – 27 degrees C). Their foods are small meaty foods and a combination of fresh vegetables. And also, they need to provide purely oxygenated water with moderate. Young Albino Bristlenose pleco is very sensitive to the pH value of the water than adult Albino Bristlenose pleco.

A tank with pet fish

When talking about the tank’s decoration, Albino Bristlenose pleco is spent their day resting in sheltered areas. Because of that, the tank should include a lot of hiding places to hide. That is an essential thing when looking after albino plecos. As well as there is another important thing. That is, you should consist of dense planting and driftwood to the tank. That will help Albino pleco to live its life happy.


Albino pleco

Finally, I want to say that we should look after them even if they are suffering from albino.

If you would like to read more articles like this – “Albino Owl” is a gorgeous bird in the owl world that ladies might get jealous of

7 notable species of Woodpecker in Indiana

Woodpecker in Indiana

Woodpeckers are birds that live in the wild. They are a part of a family called Picidae. Except for Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Polar Regions, and Madagascar, most of the members of this family are found worldwide. Among them, Woodpeckers in Indiana are the most popular woodpeckers in the world.

First, we should know about the appearance of the woodpeckers. As all aware, woodpeckers have pointed and strong beaks. They used it for digging nest holes and insects from trees. The unique thing is they used it for “Drumming” (Usually woodpeckers don’t have actual song and they perform rhythmic tapping from their sharp noises from their beaks. That is called “Drumming”). Both genders have this king of woodpeckers drum. When it’s come to their body, the weight of the Woodpecker (adult woodpeckers) is approximately 0.74 – 12.36 ounces. And its length is around 6 ½ – 16 ½ inches. And they have short legs with two backward pointed toes, not only that their legs have two sharp-clawed toes as well as these toes of the woodpeckers are along with their stiff tail feathers. It helps them to wood siding and clings to trees. Woodpeckers have primary 3 colors, and white, red and black are those colors. These birds usually lay 3-6 eggs at a time. Not only that, their period of incubation is approximately 11 – 12 days. These details change on the species of the Woodpecker.

Now we should check about the Woodpecker in Indiana. As mentioned before, there are so many woodpeckers around the world. Among them, there are 7 notable species of Woodpecker in Indiana. Those 7 Indiana woodpeckers are as follows.

Woodpecker in Indiana species – Number 01: Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

This Hairy Woodpecker is a year-round resident of Indiana. Not only that, they are the ones who are the residents’ majority of the US. Hairy woodpeckers have the medium-sized body. The color of their body is unique, and it’s a bit orangey, and there are red patches on the top of their feathers in their head. Very commonly, this species is seen at birds’ feeders. These birds have dark wings and backs as well. The Hairy Woodpecker is similar to the Downy Woodpecker. And also, they are like a little brother to the Hairy Woodpecker. These kinds of woodpeckers eat the same things as Downy’s. If someone sees Downy and Hairy woodpeckers together, no one can understand the two verities because their appearance is similar.

When talking about their living style, they love to nest in woodland areas. They have an unusual behavior when it’s come to fights. They raise their wings behind their backs and make a sharp cry to warn others that conflict may ensue. That will happen because males have an aggressive display. They lay 3 – 6 eggs per year.

Here is some more information about Hairy Woodpecker.

Scientific name : Leuconotopicus Villosus

Life expectancy : 15 years

Food                   : Tree sap and Wood-boring insects

Weight               : 1.4 – 3.4 Ounces

Length               : 7.1 – 10.2 Inches

Wingspan          : 13 – 16.1 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana species – Number 02: Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

This Woodpecker is the species that most diminutive Woodpecker in Indiana and North America. Downy woodpeckers can be seen in all the regions of Indiana. These woodpeckers don’t migrate, and they are seen very common in the wintertime. The Downy Woodpecker has a similar color as the Hairy Woodpecker. They have dark wings and backs, and also the back of their head has a small red spot. They like to build their nests near water areas (Rivers/streams close to the forest). And also, they want to nest in dead trees/branches on trees.

Here is some more information about Downy Woodpecker.

Scientific name : Picoides Pubescens

Life expectancy : 12 years

Food                  : Non-insect arthropods

Weight              : 0.75 – 1 Ounces

Length              : 5.5 – 6.7 Inches

Wingspan         : 3.27 – 11.8 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana specie – Number 03: Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker is larger than the Downy Woodpecker. And also, they have a similar size as Hairy woodpeckers. They can be identified from the Red Mohawk down their neck. Their back is filled with white and black feathers. They have brighter feathers in red color on their heads. As per their name, they have a red belly. That is the reason they called these woodpeckers as Red-Bellied woodpeckers. These woodpeckers build their nests in both dense and subtropical forest areas and either form permanent nests there. And year after year, they make their nests in the same tree, but they often use another hole and lay about 2-6 eggs.

Here is some more information about Red-Bellied Woodpecker.

Scientific name : Melanerpes carolinus

Life expectancy : 12 years

Food                  : Insect

Weight              : 2.65 – 3.2 Ounces

Length              : 9.4 Inches

Wingspan         : 13 – 18 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana specie – Number 04: Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

As per its name, this Woodpecker has a Pale Yellow belly. Not only that, they can identify from their unusual red crown. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker is also a woodpecker that lives in Indiana, and they have a small body compared to other woodpeckers. These woodpeckers drill holes, especially in maple trees. These species have different aggressive displays, and they only show that to members of the same sex. They have a light black body (under the body), red feathers (above and below beaks), and black chests. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker migrates to the outside from Indiana to Northern states (Michigan) Canada in their breeding period.

Here is more information about Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker.

Scientific name : Sphyrapicus varius

Life expectancy : 07 years

Food                  : Insects, Fruits, and Tree sap

Weight              : 1.5 – 1.9 Ounces

Length              : 7.1 – 8.7 Inches

Wingspan         : 13.4 – 16 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana specie – Number 05: Red-Headed Woodpecker

Red Headed Woodpecker

Red-Headed Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker. As for the name, Red-Headed Woodpecker covered its head with bright red feathers. The rest of the parts of the body are covered in both grey and white feathers. This kind has a different feeding style, and they like to store live insects, and later, they catch them from the tree bark.

Here is some more information about the Red-Headed Woodpecker.

Scientific name  : Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Life expectancy : 09 years

Food                   : Beetles, Seeds, and Berries.

Weight               : 3.9 – 5.6 Ounces

Length               : 11 – 12.2 Inches

Wingspan          : 16.5 – 20.1 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana species – Number 06: Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

Northern Flickers are one of the notable woodpeckers in Indiana, and these birds are relatively large. But they are smaller than the Pileated Woodpecker and more prominent than the Hairy Woodpecker. They have a red back neck, underbellies are spotted, bibs are black, and tails are yellow with red patches and red patches of the face. When comparing to others birds, these birds are very colorful.

Here is some more information about Northern Flicker.

Scientific name : Colaptes auratus

Life expectancy : 09 years

Food                  : Nuts, Fruits, Seeds, and Insects.

Weight              : 2.5 – 6 Ounces

Length              : 7.5 – 9.1 Inches

Wingspan         : 21.3 Inches

Woodpecker in Indiana species – Number 07: Pileated Woodpecker

Woodpecker in Indiana

Pileated Woodpeckers are built their cavities in trunks and dead trees. The shape is rectangular, and this habit is not typical for the woodpecker family. This Woodpecker is the largest Woodpecker in North America as well as Indiana. They have a prominent display of red feathers on their heads. Their necks are covered in white, and the rest of the body is covered with dark feathers.

Here is some more information about Pileated Woodpecker.

Scientific name : Dryocopus pileatus

Life expectancy : 13 years

Food                  : Nuts, Fruits, and Insects.

Weight              : 8.8 – 14.1 Ounces

Length              : 15.8 – 19.3 Inches

Wingspan         : 26 – 30 Inches

If you would like to read more articles like this – “Albino Owl” is a gorgeous bird in the owl world that ladies might get jealous of

Here are the 12 Eagle Jokes that take your stress away

eagle jokes
Eagle is a big bird in the wild, and they are more potent than other birds. Not only that, they are majestic, noble and also magnificent. Even they are better at all, people made funny jokes called “Eagle Jokes”. Today’s article focused on giving funny jokes and making your mind feel and free for the movement.

Eagle Jokes – Number 01

Question : What is the reason for an eagle to greet its prey?

Answer : They pleased to eat.

Eagle Jokes – Number 02

Question : What is the reason an eagle needs to wear a wig?

Answer : Because that is a bald eagle.

Eagle Jokes – Number 03

Question : Do you know the name of the bird that is sick and it is breaking the law?

Answer : The name of the bird is “Ill-eagle”.

Eagle Jokes -Number 04

Question : What is the reason birds never wanted a comb?

Answer : Because they are bald eagles.

Eagle Jokes -Number 05

Question : What is the reason an eagle have so many skills?

Answer : Because they are Talon-Ted.

Eagle Jokes -Number 06

Question : What did the bride say when she mistook the eagle for the hawk?

Answer : She said, “Oh! This is HAWKward”.

Eagle Jokes -Number 07

Question : Do you know about the eagle’s most favourite breed of dog?

Answer : Yes. The name of the dog breed is “Beagle”.

Eagle Jokes -Number 08

Question : Do you know what happens when breeding eels with eagles?

Answer : You will get a handcuff because it’s EEL – eagle.

Eagle Jokes -Number 09

One day one of eel falling love with an eagle from one side. Because of that, Eel wanted to propose to that eagle. So Eel go near to the eagle and ask,

“Even we look different, my eye catches you, and I think I am in love with you. So will you marry me?”

Eagle confused and said, “You can be good. But I am so sorry. I can’t marry you.”

“Why darling, why not?” asked the Eel.

Finally, the eagle replies with “I do not reject you for any other reason. But I can’t go to the police. Because our marriage can be Eel-eagle.”

Eagle Jokes -Number 10

Question : In myth, there is a creature born, and his mother is a lion, and his father was an eagle. Do you know how he got into Hogwart’s School?

Answer : Called “The Gryffindor”.

Eagle Jokes -Number 11

Question : Do you know what the favourite game of an eagle is?

Answer : The name of the game is “Beakaboo”.

Eagle Jokes -Number 12

Question : All the eagles in the wild said that they don’t like fast food. Do you know the reason for that?

Answer : The reason is they can’t catch fast food because it is fast.


eagle jokes

Here are the 12 Eagle Jokes that take your stress away.

Stay healthy.

If you would like to read more articles like this – 14 Times You Need to Be Quiet In Life

Do you know about Owls bad luck? Here are information about them

The face of the owl

“Owls bad luck” – Most of the people in the world think like that. Because of that, we should check whether that is true or not. Today’s article aims to reveal the truth about the fact “Owls bad luck.” Let’s begin.

As mention before in the article, “Albino Owl” is a gorgeous bird in the owl world that ladies might get jealous of” owls are lovely animals in the wild. Because of their appearance, they are deeply and directly involved with spiritualism and mythology. These animals are called skillful hunters and the “Night King.” Because of that, they can tolerate the darkness of the night and hunt. From the distant past, the Owl is directly or indirectly be a part of cultural heritage and every folklore. It’s not a surprising thing about them. Do you know about Owls bad luck? The following article explains that very clearly.

Most people think Owl is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. And also, all of them believed that Owl is a symbol of transformation and the new beginning of something. They think Owls are a reminder of “The time to start a new chapter in life.” Following are some assumptions that people believed about the owls.

“Owls bad luck” – Myth: When somebody sees a white owl

White owl

White owls are rare to see. And also rare to find. Because of that, when someone sees a white owl, they believed in following myths.

1. Change of the life

As mentioned before, white owls are treated as a messenger of change for a person. If someone has an issue with life and sees the white Owl, they should change their lives. From that, they can enjoy life in the future.

2. Guardian angel

As all know, white Owl and other white animals are connected with the soul of the departed relation. Some people believed that a white Owl was their guardian angel when they saw a white owl. And also the thing they are sent from the Heaven.

3. The purity

White color is used as a symbol of purity. As for white Owl, people apply the same method. Seeing a white owl means that person’s spiritual energy is pure and clean as clear water.

“Owls bad luck” – Myth: Owls are the messenger of the witches.

In the Harry Potter series, owls play a significant role in delivering letters to them. Because of that, people believed that they are the messenger of the witches. But practically, they are to anything to do with humans.

“Owls bad luck” – Myth: Owl omens of death

People blindly believed that broken glasses/ mirrors, black cats are bad luck for them. Like that in many cultures, owls are also bad luck, and they think owls are omens of death; because of that in that kind of culture, they killed and avoided this fabulous animal.

“Owls bad luck” – Myth: Owl flies in front of the person

Owls bad luck

When the animal crosses a person’s path in many cultures, they decide it’s a bad omen or a good omen based on their perception. Likewise, if an owl flies in front of the following theories are applicable for them.

1. An Owl flies above the person.

Owls bad luck

If an owl flies above the person, it means they need to see their life from a higher view. For more information, if something happens, they should think about it from a bird’s perspective (Close to achieving special/higher things in life). The reason is Owl is a patient hunter as well as a silent hunter. Even they stand more time for the target, anyway, they will achieve their target. And also, they taught people that waiting is the primary key to success. So this is a good omen.

2. An owl crosses the path.

As mentioned before, Owl is the symbol for the transformation. So basically, this means that they should, and they need to change their life pattern. But like them, don’t be rush to change the life. They must wait patiently and catch their goal and start a new era. It is also a good omen.

Be like an owl

Don’t think about the past

Wait for the perfect opportunity

If you would like to read more articles like this – “Albino Owl” is a gorgeous bird in the owl world that ladies might get jealous of

Does No Contact Work for anyone? Yes. If you are not sure about that, you should check this

A man sitting in the open air

Does No Contact work? That is a common question in the young generation who are in love with someone. No contact rule means the period that didn’t contact someone’s ex or a toxic person, and in that period, both parties get some space/time apart from each other. This rule helps to heal from the breakups and grow as a new person. Not only that, if somebody wants to get back their ex back to their life, they can end the No contact rule when they feel confident and ready to start speaking with their ex. And if they don’t need that and need to move on from that hurtful breakup, they can continue with this rule called “No Contact.”

Today’s article is about the No contact rule, and anyone can get thorough knowledge about that, and they can find the answer to their main question – “Does No Contact work?” Let’s go and look.

The arms are outstretched towards the girl

Does No Contact Work? Yes. Here are the 03 types of No Contact Rule. 

01. The Indefinite No Contact Rule.

This rule is the first type, and if someone adopts it, they don’t contact their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend ever again no matter how long they stay/wait for them.

02. The Time Based No Contact Rule

This rule is the first type, and if someone adopts it, they decide to contact their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend after a stipulated amount of time in no contact. This time typically is a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 60 days.

03. Radio Silence / Permanent No Contact Rule

This rule is the first type, and if someone adopts it, they enter No Contact and resolve never to contact their ex-boyfriend /girlfriend again. Even they want to contact the person, and they want to ignore their ex forever.

Does No Contact Work? Yes. Here are the 04 stages of the No Contact Rule. 

01. 03 days – 01 weeks : Calm and Assured of their decisions

02. 01 week – 02 weeks : Worrying (After they don’t hear anything from the person)

03. 02 weeks – 02 ½ weeks: Anger (After they realize they are being ignored)

04. 02 ½ weeks – 03 weeks: Confirmation (About what they lost)

05. 03 weeks – 04 weeks : Hope to contact

These stages can be little change according to the partner of the lover. And every ex doesn’t react according to this period and can be a bit different.

Does No Contact Work

Does No Contact Work? Yes. Here are the 04 signs of the No Contact Rule. 

01. Obsessive 

Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend might send many calls and messages/voice messages with long paragraphs expressing their deepest feelings. In this, they behave crazy, and they try their best to contact the person.

02. Fear

From this, they feel fear of losing the person that they hurt.

03. Sincerity

From this, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend starts to be approached with their emotion towards the person they hurt. They will be willing to let that person closer to them (ex-boyfriend/girlfriend).

04. Reciprocity 

From this ex-boyfriend/girlfriend valuing missing person more, they will remember how they gave value, time, and energy for them. After they rise to the occasion, they understand that the relationship is equal, give and take.

Does No Contact Work? Yes. Then How?

As mentioned before, the No contact rule has approximately 28 days to end. But this can be 60 days depends on the situation. Therefore this rule is called “The 30 days No Contact Rule”. This “No contact rule” meant that the person could not respond to text messages, status, or phone calls to their ex. From this, Ex’s will go crazy. Because when they didn’t have any contact for a long time with the Ex, they will start to miss that person. Not only that, they miss that person’s presence and crave to hear the voice. Even the Ex wanted to reach the person, and they shouldn’t break the No Contact Rule. If they do, another party might think they gave ex-boyfriend/girlfriend an impression like “You are always accessible even when they choose to dump you.” If the person doesn’t want to break this “No contact” rule. They want to continue with the No contact rule, which sends a clear message to ex-boyfriend/girlfriend that “You are choosing to spend time doing other things, and now you are your number one priority.”

Hey Boys and Girls.

Don’t worry, and Stay Positive with your opinions.

No one can dump you and ignore you!

If you would like to read more articles like this – When the Cancer man has a crush on you, here are 30 signs that you can understand him clearl

When the Cancer man has a crush on you, here are 30 signs that you can understand him clearl

A loving couple walking

When the Cancer man has a crush on you, what will you do as a girl? Cancer man is committed, incredibly nurturing, and protective of his loved and he wants to do everything in his power to make his girlfriend comfortable and safe with him. And for the other name, the cancer man called “The king of a cuddle.” Cancer is a zodiac sign, and the crab symbolizes it. Not only that, Cancer is a water sign. And also these cancer man doesn’t reveal their feelings freely. Because of that, it can be a challenge to know what cancer men are thinking. But generally, they give their full respect to everyone that they met. And they are very talkative people. But only for those who are known and feel comfortable. Over time those kinds of men warm up to someone. After that, they crush on them, and he will tell them all the things of his life, like worries and secrets, and he will share his life as well.

As mentioned before, a symbol of this kind of man is a crab. The crab has a protective shell. Likewise, Cancer man is also has a protective cover. From that, he can hide away from the danger. If someone wants to get a Cancer man, that girl should lure Cancer man out of that shell slowly and carefully. As a girl, they shouldn’t move too fast to remove the shell of that crab (Cancer man). She should have a lot of patients. If not, he will retreat into his shell and hide from the girl.

A loving couple walking down the street

On the other hand, when this kind of man has a crush on someone, their behaviors become different. This kind of man will flirt with other women innocently. But once he has his heart for someone he loves, his loyalty and devotion are stable, and it cannot shake from anything. Cancer man has so many different emotions and moods. When he is in a good mood, he will show his girl so many lovely things. Because of that, that girlfriend may felt like she is the happiest and the luckiest girl in the world.


When the Cancer man has a crush on you

When the Cancer man has a crush on you, here are 30 signs that you can understand him clearly.

  1. He confides in you
  2. He shows his romantic gestures for you
  3. He introduces you to his mother
  4. He’s shy around you
  5. He’s always there
  6. He becomes jealous of other guys
  7. He starts talking about the girl who loves other people
  8. He dresses up
  9. He will be patient with you
  10. He can be cautious & defensive
  11. Be there for him
  12. Public displays of affection
  13. He works very hard to establish an emotional connection with the girl who loves
  14. He starts finding little excuses to touch the girl who loves more
  15. He makes an effort to spent a lot of time with the girl who loves
  16. He flirts with the girl who he loves consistently.
  17. He starts becoming noticeably clingy
  18. He gets a little possessive
  19. He shows signs of being emotionally reactive to the girl who loves
  20. He voluntarily discusses his future and his the girl who love in it
  21. He starts inviting the girl who loves over to his place a lot
  22. He wants to spend time with you
  23. He always lends the girl who loves a hand with whatever you are doing
  24. His care for you is boundless
  25. He will call the girl who he loves when he wants to talk or write e-mails
  26. He’s protective about you
  27. He flirts with you. A lot.
  28. He expresses himself freely
  29. the girl will be a part of his plans if he has feelings for that girl
  30. He’ll ask for your advice on matters

When the Cancer man has a crush on you

Be romantic

Don’t be panic

Ask him questions

Live a happy life

If you would like to read more articles like this – Here are 4 remarkable “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” that every boyfriend can use for their girlfriend

Here are 4 remarkable “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” that every boyfriend can use for their girlfriend

bedtime stories for girlfriend

“Bedtime stories” are stories that are different from village to village and country to country, tradition to tradition, and culture to culture. It is the method of storytelling, where a story to a person who person at bedtime to prepare that person for sleep. Storytelling means that the social and cultural activity of sharing stories. Usually, bedtime stories are for children who cannot sleep at night. It is helpful to improve the brain development, logical thinking skills of the children. It will create a strong relationship and emotional bond between the parents and the child. Likewise, now the day’s young generation is also used to tell stories as well. Most of them are lovers. Always boyfriend is the one who tells those kinds of stories to girlfriend those who can’t sleep at night or have difficulty sleeping. It’s also a very romantic way to express their love to their partner. As mentioned before, bedtime stories can make the relationship strong. This article will help you calm down your girlfriend by telling the following Special “Bedtime stories for girlfriend.” Let’s know about what are the best “Bedtime stories for girlfriend.”

All the boyfriends are not always with their girlfriends. Sometimes they are going on a business trip, some are studying abroad, and some are with their parents. Bedtime stories are the most suitable and romantic way to keep their girlfriend calm down. Bedtime stories are the perfect thing to build a place in a girlfriend’s dream. Here we are helping to choose “Bedtime stories for girlfriend,” which will help you recreate your love life more romantic.

Here are 04 “Bedtime stories for girlfriend.”

01. “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” – The portrait of LOVE and DEVOTION

Lovers looking at a bed book

Charlotte Von Slevin was a 19-year-old girl from a Swedish Royal family. In 1975 she traveled to India to get a portrait made by a talented artist called Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia. He was a born artist for the painting, but he was raised in a low-income family of the lowest caste in India. Even this painter live as a poor one, he gained an exceptional reputation for being a talented artist in India. The reputation of the Pradyumna was the reason Charlotte come to India. She gives a proper explanation of what she wants, and as time passed portrait was finished. But their relationship becomes more complicated. Because of that, they fall in love. For Pradyumna, she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and he gives her best as a painter to her portrait. After their feeling, Charlotte decided to live a couple of days in India. But when she was with him, days become weeks, and weeks become months. Charlotte hadn’t agreed to her original place because she had deeply fallen in love with Pradyumna. And they married according to the traditional wedding rituals in India.

Unfortunately, Charlotte had to leave India because she had to complete her higher studies in London. Even they are newlyweds and separated for thousands of miles, their feelings for each other never changed. Because of studies, Pradyumna refused to for the ticket sent by his wife in London. They communicate with letters and from that he told his wife to he wanted to over his higher studies and he will come to her place. After finishing his studies, Pradyumna sold all his properties to find the money for the flight ticket. But he cannot make it possible because the money he collected from his properties didn’t even come close to the flight ticket for London. But he could afford a cheap and used bicycle. Pradyumna didn’t give up on his goal, and he brought that bicycle. He packed all his paintings and brushes to get financial support for his endeavor. And also, Pradyumna started his journey from India to the Western world with the cheap bicycle he bought. For that, he spent 4 months, and he passed 8 counties. Finally, he reached Charlotte’s hometown in Sweden. After he saw her again and that husband and wife live longer, they never left each other in their lifetime.

02. “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” – A Dozen Flowers

Boyfriend giving roses

One day a husband bought 12 roses for his wife. His wife was very shocked because usually, her husband didn’t do those kinds of things. When she checked those 12 flowers, one more unusual thing was also there. That 11 roses were fresh flowers, and one was an artificial flower. Because of that, she became curious about this strange mixed up with the rose flower bunch. She tried so hard to understand the reason, but she couldn’t figure out the purpose. In the end, she decided to ask from his husband for a reason. He smiled and told her, “I will love you until this artificial flower dies!”. After the answer, she was muted, and she hugged him tightly. That was the most valuable gift she had from her husband, and they live happily.

03. “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” – Future Mom

Lovers in bed

One day a boyfriend and his girlfriend sleep in the bed. In the morning boyfriend was got up before the girlfriend. And he took a photograph of his girlfriend when she has woken up. After that incident, she said that she looked so horrible in that movement; she said she has no makeup, hairstyles on, and she did not take any photographs of her. But the boyfriend smiled and said;

“I want to show my lovely kids that their gorgeous mother is beautiful even without makeup and combed hair. And also she is the perfect woman, and also she is the perfect woman on Earth.”

04. “Bedtime stories for girlfriend” – The best list

Bedtime stories for girlfriend

One day a couple was sitting on the bench of the park. And the girl asked from his boyfriend;

“Baby, what is the reason behind your love and affection for me?”

And he replied with a confused face. And he ignores that question at first because it’s not a specific question. But his girlfriend never gave up and asked that question again and again. He couldn’t tolerate her question and behavior. After that, he asked her to give him a notebook/paper and a pen, and he started to write something on that. Later he gave handed over that paper to his girlfriend. Finally, he smiles and replied;

“I have mentioned 100 reasons in this paper that force me to love you, and now you have to mention just 1 reason why I should not love you!”

Those are the most memorable “Bedtime stories for girlfriend,” and if you can’t handle your girlfriend in the night, you can feel free to pick one story from this article.

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“Albino Owl” is a gorgeous bird in the owl world that ladies might get jealous of

red eye owl

There are so many beautiful things in the world. Among them, nature is the most beautiful thing. They are divided into two as animated and inanimate. When it comes to animated things, animals and humans are the two things. Animal attracts human eyes because of their beautiful color. Some animal has gorgeous color and color is the key in the animal world because color exposes the gender of the animals. Not only that, color reveals the warning sign as well. But some animals, like the lizard, changed their color to protect from others. But sometimes animals are born as white color. It’s meant that they are accepted as lacks the ability to produce melanin. They are called an albino. Albinism means the genetic lack of color in the body. There are many rare albino animals globally, such as albino alligators, albino snakes, albino hummingbird, albino ferret, an albino gorilla, albino owl, and albino squirrel. From this article, let’s know about “Albino owl.”


albino owl

Owl is a bird, and its scientific name is Strigiformes. There are 200 owl species all around the world. As per the researchers, Owls has 6 families like Strigidae, Tytonidae, Ogygoptyngidae, Palaeoglauciadae, Protostrigidae, and Sophiornithidae. Among them, Ogygoptyngidae, Palaeoglauciadae, Protostrigidae, and Sophiornithidae were identified from the fossils. They have a large, broad head, binaural hearing, binocular vision, feathers adapted for the silent fight, and sharp nails when talking about their body. All owls are carnivorous, and they get their food as small insects, small mammals, and small birds. Some owls are adapted to hunt fish as well. Owls can live 10 years or more than that in the wild, not only that their maximum age of living is 28 years. They live in the nests, and the female owl usually laid between 5 to 8 eggs. Female owls are more significant than male owls. The young owls are called “Owlet.” And the group of owls is called “Parliament.”

red eye owl


Albino owls are the rare owls in the family of Strigiformes (owl family). There are so many white owls in the world. But these kinds of albino owls are not regular white owls. They have snowy–white feathers and shining red eyes. Some of the people are guessing they are snow owls. Not only that. Some people think these albino owls are magical creatures like dragons or phoenixes. But this appearance of the owl is happened due to a rare condition. As per the researchers in the human world also reporting around 1/17000 albino people.

These owls have become albino owls because of the genetic condition that presents in owls from their birth. That means that this albino owl has no or significantly less melanin in its body or the owl’s feathers. As I mentioned before, it happens because of the Albino effect. If the melanin level of the owl is dropped to zero, their body blood vessels can see clearly.

red eye owl

These albino owls are called “red eye owl” as well. The cause of that is they have glaring red eyes. Because of that, this albino owl has a bold look. As for your information, they are gorgeous creatures. These red-eye owls typically have yellow eyes. But, even the owl’s iris is colorless because of the lack of melanin in the body. It was reflecting the red to pink skin around the owl’s eyes.

When talking about albino owls’ foods, they eat a variety of foods. Their main foods are arctic hares, lemmings, mice, seabirds, and ducks. Male is the one who needs to find these meals, and female albino owls remain in their nests. Unfortunately, they have poor eyesight because they are albinos. That makes them difficult to find the next meal or the spot a hunter. Because of that, they can’t survive a long time in the world.

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