The temperature of a lightning strike is over 20,000 degrees Celsius. When lightning strikes, the surrounding air expands rapidly. That’s what we hear, like the sound of lightning.
Why does lightning move in a zigzag pattern? How this also happens has not yet been figured out. But this is what happens. Lightning is powerful, but there is no brain tumor.
Lightning descends a short distance and then stops for about 1/20,000 of a second to see where the nearest positive charge (the easiest way to get to Earth) is. At that time, the horizontal line of the zigzag is formed.
If lightning does not find its destination, it will descend a short distance and search for another 1/20,000 seconds to find the easiest way to get to Earth. Here comes the second zigzag. This happens until lightning finds its destination.
Lightning divides like the root system of a tree. Lightning finds the easiest way to get to Earth.
Another problem. As mentioned earlier, negative charges come to earth from the cloud. That is electrons. But the current travels in the opposite direction to the direction of the electrons. If so, does lightning really strike from heaven to earth? Or from earth to The sky?
Return Stroke
The branches are zigzagged, and all work is done to find the nearest path to the earth. Somehow, when the road reaches its final destination, a direct connection is formed between the earth and the clouds. A very bright and powerful electric current (about 30,000 amperes) travels from the earth to the clouds quickly. So aren’t houses gray?
Does lightning strike the phone?
Connected by a wire, that is, the landline phone is struck by lightning. Because if lightning strikes the telephone line on the road, it will come to our home phone along the vibration wire. So turn them off when lightning strikes.
Mobile phones are struck by lightning only when lightning strikes a house or a power line while the charger is on. No problem with removing the charger. Because lightning does not come through radio waves. If so, why wire to give current to the house? Radio waves also provide current.
Why do cows get so much lightning?
When lightning strikes somewhere, its intensity decreases, and it spreads like a ring around the surrounding area. Like an earthquake. The center itself has the greatest impact. Suppose the place where the lightning struck is 100000 volts.
(The voltage at a point 10 meters away from the point of impact can be 50,000 volts).
The voltage drops slightly after the lightning strikes. There is a considerable distance between the front legs and the hind legs of cattle.
So the front 2 legs are in one voltage band, and the rear 2 legs are in another voltage band.
Simply put, there is a potential voltage difference between the legs of a cow. When a potential change occurs through a conductor, a current flows through it.
So a current passes through the cow’s body and burns it to death.
An animal that can keep its legs close does not have this problem.
If in a closed vehicle
A vehicle is a Faraday cage. That is,
An area surrounded by a conductor. All the charges in Faraday’s chamber go to the surface. So it does not affect that inside.
Therefore, if lightning strikes, turn off all electrical / telephone supplies in the house and stay in a closed vehicle (not a bicycle)