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How does lightning strike? And do lightning strike phones?

How does lightning strike? And do lightning strike phones?

The temperature of a lightning strike is over 20,000 degrees Celsius. When lightning strikes, the surrounding air expands rapidly. That’s what we hear, like the sound of lightning.

What causes lightning?

Why does lightning move in a zigzag pattern? How this also happens has not yet been figured out. But this is what happens. Lightning is powerful, but there is no brain tumor.
Lightning descends a short distance and then stops for about 1/20,000 of a second to see where the nearest positive charge (the easiest way to get to Earth) is. At that time, the horizontal line of the zigzag is formed.
If lightning does not find its destination, it will descend a short distance and search for another 1/20,000 seconds to find the easiest way to get to Earth. Here comes the second zigzag. This happens until lightning finds its destination.

Lightning divides like the root system of a tree. Lightning finds the easiest way to get to Earth.
Another problem. As mentioned earlier, negative charges come to earth from the cloud. That is electrons. But the current travels in the opposite direction to the direction of the electrons. If so, does lightning really strike from heaven to earth? Or from earth to The sky?

Return Stroke

The branches are zigzagged, and all work is done to find the nearest path to the earth. Somehow, when the road reaches its final destination, a direct connection is formed between the earth and the clouds. A very bright and powerful electric current (about 30,000 amperes) travels from the earth to the clouds quickly. So aren’t houses gray?

Does lightning strike the phone?

Connected by a wire, that is, the landline phone is struck by lightning. Because if lightning strikes the telephone line on the road, it will come to our home phone along the vibration wire. So turn them off when lightning strikes.

Mobile phones are struck by lightning only when lightning strikes a house or a power line while the charger is on. No problem with removing the charger. Because lightning does not come through radio waves. If so, why wire to give current to the house? Radio waves also provide current.

Why do cows get so much lightning?

When lightning strikes somewhere, its intensity decreases, and it spreads like a ring around the surrounding area. Like an earthquake. The center itself has the greatest impact. Suppose the place where the lightning struck is 100000 volts.
(The voltage at a point 10 meters away from the point of impact can be 50,000 volts).

The voltage drops slightly after the lightning strikes. There is a considerable distance between the front legs and the hind legs of cattle.
So the front 2 legs are in one voltage band, and the rear 2 legs are in another voltage band.

Simply put, there is a potential voltage difference between the legs of a cow. When a potential change occurs through a conductor, a current flows through it.
So a current passes through the cow’s body and burns it to death.

An animal that can keep its legs close does not have this problem.

If in a closed vehicle

A vehicle is a Faraday cage. That is,
An area surrounded by a conductor. All the charges in Faraday’s chamber go to the surface. So it does not affect that inside.

Therefore, if lightning strikes, turn off all electrical / telephone supplies in the house and stay in a closed vehicle (not a bicycle)

What causes lightning?

What causes lightning

Simply put, lightning is a charge underground in a cloud. But where does a cloud charge? Remember the static electric charge that came from rubbing a pen in your hair when you were little? Also, the cloud is charged with static electricity.

It can be caused by rubbing in the wind or by rubbing when two clouds are rubbing against each other. There is another reason. I’ve heard that hot air/water goes up and cold stuff goes down. The same theory is happening inside the cloud.

Below the cloud is relatively warm water vapor. There is a very cool ice sheet at the top of the cloud. So, as I said before, water vapor goes up, and ice sticks go down. On the way, the two of them connect. Therefore, static electricity charges are also generated due to that rubbing.

In terms of charges, both positive (+) and negative (-) charges are scattered in the cloud. From these scattered charges, the positive charge rises in the cloud, and the charge drops down, and the upper part of the battery becomes positive, and the bottom becomes negative.

What causes lightning

Why is the bottom of the cloud negative to the ground? This is because the Earth’s surface is positively charged relative to the cloud. We have not yet figured out how this charge splitting happens.

As a thunderstorm approaches, the earth’s positive charges begin to wane. So those positive charges are added to trees, antennas, roofs, lightning conductors, as close as possible to the cloud. Especially to conductive leads with spikes and edges. Go and eagerly wait for the negative charges in that cloud to come to you.

But goes along the “earth-connected” conductor.
Examples: along with the iron, up the hill,
Along with the trees (there is water inside the trees. Water is a good conductor),
Along with humans (about 70% of our body is water).

A lightning cloud can have a potential of more than 100 million volts. It also has a negative charge of 5 to 15 coulombs.

So even these negative charges jump on top of the antenna, and as soon as they see the positive charges waiting for them (they can jump a few miles to a powerful lightning bolt)

What causes lightning

That is called lightning.

Lightning usually occurs between two clouds (as a spark that jumps between one cloud’s negative side and another) between a cloud and the earth.

Want to know more about these things in-depth?

For more information How does lightning strike? And do lightning strike phones?

Home Remedies for Toothache

Home Remedies for Toothache

A Toothache is hard pain. It’s a pain you feel in or around your tooth and jaws. Your toothache pain depends on your unhealthy habits. Because if you couldn’t wash your mouth at least twice per day, that can be a cause of your toothache. But sometimes there are many reasons for your toothache.

Tooth decay
Abscessed tooth
Cracked or damaged tooth and loose or broken filling
Gums infected and grinding or clenching teeth.

Why do you suffer from a toothache?
Sometimes your pain is severe. But toothache pain can range from normal to severe, and it can often happen or from time to time because your teeth have inside soft material filled with sensitive nerves, tissues, and blood vessels. These nerves are most sensitive in your body, and sometimes happen these nerves are infected by bacteria(abscess) and germs. This can result in a toothache.

What are the symptoms of a toothache?
Swelling around the tooth and mouth
Fever and headache
sometimes a bad odor from the mouth

How to treat your toothache at home? (Home Remedies)

We can use salt water for toothache
always people use salt water for their pain. It’s a good medical treatment. And you can wash your mouth from saltwater twice per day. (at early in the morning and before sleep). That can help reduce your pain. How to use this? Get a glass of warm water and ½ salt of a teaspoon, then mix them, salt, and warm water. And you can use it as a mouth wash.

Honey Bee
The honey bee is the best healing secrets substance and home remedy for mouth wounds. Now we are looking for how to use honey to fight your toothache pain.
First, you get one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and five teaspoons of honey, then mix (honey and ground cinnamon). A few minutes later, you can rub a small amount of the mixture directly onto your damaged and painful tooth.

Peppermint tea bags.
Peppermint tea bags can be used to healing sensitive gums and inflammation wounds of the mouth. Peppermint tea bags are cool medical substance home remedies for toothache. You can use it this way, put a used bag in the freezer (fridge or coolest place); it will take a couple of minutes to cool, and then apply the tea bag to your swelling area and your teeth.

For thousands of years, Garlic has been spices and herbs. It’s a medical substance. Not only can it kill harmful germs and bacteria. That can reduce pain. Garlic is a home remedy for toothache.
To use this, crush garlic and clove to mix then you can create a paste. If you want to add a tiny bit of salt, you can add salt into a paste. Apply it to the painful area.

Cloves are the dried flower buds of cloves. They are using two types. There are spices and herbs. Cloves are another home remedy for toothache. Cloves have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anesthetic good properties. You can use the whole clove put it directly onto the affected tooth. And hold it between your upper and lower teeth of jaws. Then clove your mouth. A few minutes later, that can help reduce your pain and inflammation. Sometimes people using clove oil for toothache.

Vanilla extract.
Vanilla can be taken as a home remedy to reduce your tooth swelling. Vanilla extract, including alcohol. It proved antioxidant properties also reduce it an effective healer.
How to use this? Get a small amount of vanilla onto your finger or a cotton ball and apply it directly to the severe pain area a few times per day.

Cold compress.
Some people using cold compress as a home remedy for their toothache. A cold compress or ice cube pack can help reduce the pain. You can try holding the ice pack can help reduce the pain. You can try holding the icepack or bag of ice peas of your affected area. It can reduce the pain of jaw swelling.

These methods are the best home remedies for severe toothache pain.

Briefly find out the important questions and answers to get back to the running format

how to get back into running

Yo may be energized and truly siphoned up and inspired about getting once more into running, yet perhaps there is likewise a small piece of dread and anxiety and considering how to go about it and can you truth be told make a rebound.

Regardless of whether you quit running since life disrupted everything, time simply didn’t permit it, injury constrained you to stop or you essentially lost interest, getting back to running is absolutely do-capable and indeed you may be more grounded and fitter than you understand.

Well you absolutely can restart running and frequently it is simpler than you might suspect.

how to get back into running shape

After you’ve been getting once again into running for a few months, consider what your unique objective was. Was it to do a race, to get more fit, to get fitter or to run for fun?.See how you are advancing and afterward perceive how you can improve to accomplish your objective.

A few people feel prepared at this stage to join a club or maybe to employ an individual mentor. Others are only glad to do whatever them might feeling like doing or to collaborate with different sprinters their own level. The primary concern is to not push excessively hard in the initial a half year and to reconsider each month to perceive how you are getting along.

In the event that you have any a throbbing painfulness that won’t disappear, don’t seek after the best as chances are they will form into something more genuine. Do a touch of schoolwork and work out on the off chance that you have any muscles uneven characters or maybe you could do with a smidgen more quality preparing or an additional rest day.


how to get back into running after years

In the event that you have been away from running for quite a long time, you will likely have recollections of your quicker more youthful self. That is an extraordinary inspiration. Anyway be reasonable and recall that despite the fact that in your psyche you are youthful, your 40 year old in addition to self doesn’t have a similar body as your 20 year old self.

how to get back into running after a long break

Maybe you took a long break as a result of a physical issue, absence of inspiration or family responsibilities. Whatever the reasons, it can feel overwhelming getting once again into running.

It doesn’t need to be alarming however.

What is the fastest way to get back into running shape?

Re-asses yourself consistently and afterward increment mileage gradually on the off chance that you are feeling solid. Give yourself a decent a year to get back fit as a fiddle and afterward you’ll not be disillusioned.

From the outset, stay with short, simple runs, and go for stroll breaks. Start with three to four short runs for each week so that you’re running each other day. Attempt five to 10 minutes of running at a time


how to get back into running after gaining weight getting back into running workout plan

First is the psychological angle, second is the actual viewpoint and to wrap things up, your needs.

You don’t run since you figure you won’t have the option to run, individuals will think you are too old to even consider running, you think you are too old to even think about running.

Every one of these things are inside your brain and are the greatest obstacles to cross.

On the off chance that you can handle that, at that point the remainder of the things will fall set up.

So get those coaches on, head out the entryway and have a good time!

Here are 7 anti inflammatory foods that we should add to our diet

anti inflammatory foods

What is the meaning of anti-inflammatory? The body has a natural defense machine. It fights anything unrecognizable enters like microbes, virus or chemicals. This process is meaning inflammation. But sometimes when the immune system overreaches. It can start attacking cells and health issues of your body. This is inflammation can become detrimental to your health and it can cause chronic diseases, there are cancer, diabetes, arthritis and even depression. One of the most powerful ways to combat inflammatory food. That can against arising combat inflammation. Certain foods can accelerate the inflammation process. But by choosing the healthy foods you can prevent of disease and many illnesses. You get some unhealthy foods like refined carbs, fizzy drinks and different types of taste processed food not only reason to weight gain. That is a reason inflammation in your body. On the other hand, there are good healthy foods that you can help combat inflammation and that good healthy foods contain natural antioxidants and polyphenol that act as protective compounds that can help reduce levels of inflammation’s natural antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals which stimulate inflammatory natural antioxidants that helps in destroying oxidizing agents and that can prevent the inflammation process system unnecessarily.

Let us know what are they best anti-inflammatory foods.


Turmeric is a wonderful spice. That can help reduce combat inflammation and it is a powerful anti-inflammation and curcumin found in turmeric. It can help reduce inflammation naturally. And also, it is especially helpful in treating arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases and sometimes inflammatory properties help in reducing these sympathies

Walnuts and Almonds

Walnuts are powerful source of anti-inflammatory and It’s including omago-3fatty acids. Most important thing is certain enzymes in walnuts are useful cause pain and swelling. They are also contained with alpha linolenic acid and phenolic antioxidants. These acids that help in combating free radicals. You know almonds contain more anti-inflammatory vitamin E than others nuts.

Green Tea

Green Tea is a great antioxidant. Green tea is high in catechin polyphenols. These ingredients are powerful is rich anti-inflammatory flavonoids. It gets free radicals that can cause harm. The green tea protects against cellular damage by stopping free radicals and blocking the overproduction of inflammatory substance.


This figs contain flavonoid luteolin that suppresses the activity of inflammatory cells. Figs also contain a flavonoid called quercting.chronic inflammation which helps your body produce of free radicals that stimulate the release of inflammatory cells that may start attacking the health cells, and that antioxidant contain of quercetin can stop and protection this cycle of inflammation and it help in lowing your risk of heart disease high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


The basil leaves can help in reduce the swelling and pain of arthritis. The volatile oilskin basil has including strong anti-inflammatory properties and the basil can protect your DNA from radiation and oxidative damage. Main facts in the two types of basil reduced joint swelling by up to73 percent within just 24 hours.


these flaxseeds contain with inflammation reducing omega-3 fatty acids. Whole flax seeds are so nutritious because of the anti-inflammatory compounds like lignans and flavonoids.

Green leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables this green leafy vegetable especially dark green spinach leaves most powerful ant-inflammatory foods. Green leafy contain with vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin These variants can protect your body against the oxidative stress caused by free radical damage. Vitamins E nutrients protects the body from pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines. And dark green vegetables have calcium, iron and fiber than light colored vegetables

Tell us your thoughts on these things.
Good luck…!!!

Think about the numerous medical advantages of the prickly Spiny gourd

Spiny gourd
Spiny gourd

The spiky surface of this green vegetable makes it normally ugly. Notwithstanding, this veggie isn’t simply sound yet additionally low in calories.

Occasional vegetables are extraordinary on the off chance that you are searching for customary admission of nourishment and still back off of your pocket. The best piece of remembering occasional foods grown from the ground for your eating routine is their innate capacity to battle occasional sicknesses and influenza. There are climatic conditions that ranchers provide for certain vegetables. In the event that you don’t eat occasional vegetables, at that point you in a roundabout way burn-through items from cold stockpiling and they aren’t new. It lessens the nourishing checks and estimation of your food,” brings up boss clinical nutritionist head Seema Singh of Fortis emergency clinic, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.

Spiny gourd

One such vegetable is Spiny gourd, which can be found in stores in your area

The spiky green vegetable makes it normally ugly. In any case, kantola, as it is regularly known, is a rainstorm vegetable which isn’t simply solid yet additionally low in calories. The logical name is Momordica dioica, also known as sharp spine or spine.

Kantola, a types of blooming plants in the Spiny gourd family, is utilized as a vegetable in all areas of India and a few pieces of South Asia. The natural products are cooked with flavors or even seared, and some of the time eaten with meat or fish in specific pieces of the world.

Here are some medical advantages of the vegetable:

01. It is an incredible wellspring of phytonutrients, a substance found in specific plants which are accepted to be valuable to human wellbeing and help forestall different illnesses. The vegetable is likewise low in calories as it contains about 17 calories for each 100 gm. “Kantola is additionally high in water content, so is advantageous on the off chance that you are attempting to get more fit,” includes nutritionist Seema Singh. (Spiny gourd)

02. As it is typically found during the rainstorm, it is useful in keeping occasional hack, cold and different hypersensitivities under control, because of its enemy of allergen and pain relieving properties.

03. It likewise decreases glucose levels in diabetic patients since it is wealthy in plant insulin. Anything high in fiber and loaded with water content is a bizarre decision for a diabetic dietary pattern, and Cantola tosses ticks everywhere on the crate. (Spiny gourd)

04. Carotenoids, similar to Lutein, present in this vegetable assistance in anticipation of different eye infections, cardiovascular illnesses and even malignant growths. Being a wellspring of nutrient C, a characteristic cell reinforcement, it eliminates harmful free extremists from the body decreasing the opportunity of malignant growth. (Spiny gourd)

05. It assists with keeping the skin solid as it contains different flavonoids, for example, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthins that go about as defensive foragers. “It additionally has against maturing properties as it is honored with cancer prevention agents that battle free extremists the body has because of maturing and contamination,” says the nutritionist. (Spiny gourd)

It is high in fiber and enemies of oxidants and in this way valuable for simple assimilation and wipes out stoppage. (Spiny gourd)

Spiny gourd
Spiny gourd


Regardless, what people don’t grasp is that vegetables that are high in clamminess should be cooked in shut spread dish and by including a hint of water so their water content doesn’t disappear while cooking. You can in like manner add a bit of water to these vegetables and keep away from overcooking them. The watery sauce should be eaten up as the potential enhancements are truly present in its sauce”, explains Singh.

Details on foods made from Spiny gourd

We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime – each for a specific reason

Going gaga for the individual that is your ideal fit is probably the best inclination on the planet, even though it’s normal to wind up experiencing passionate feelings for some unacceptable individual before getting to. Mr Right.

For a long time, rationalists and spiritualists accepted that we experience passionate feelings for three unique sorts of individuals in the course of our lives.

  • Makes us fools
  • It pushes us down in life and lifts us up again
  • No special reason is required

1. The primary love

The prima”The heart needs what it needs”ry love
We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime - each for a specific reason

We ordinarily experience the main love at a too young age. It’s known as the “hopeful love”, and we generally discover this sweetheart at our secondary school. This is the sort of affection we find in fantasies and Hollywood motion pictures. The darlings will have exclusive standards about their connections and accept that they will wind up getting hitched and live in a lovely house cheerfully ever after. This adoration is sensational and amazingly sentimental; subsequently, we would do anything in our capacity to make it keep going as far as might be feasible.

At that point, it goes to a phase where our directors get irrelevant. We, by one way or another, will need the relationship to work and we will, in general, believe that is the way “genuine romance” should be.

2. The subsequent love

“We are shaped by those we love”
We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime - each for a specific reason

When contrasted with the principal kind, subsequent love is significantly more convoluted and troublesome. This adoration will constrain us to comprehend “who we are as people”, “who our accomplices are” and “where we need to go throughout everyday life”. As we are abundantly filled in age and has gotten developed, this adoration will cause us to comprehend what sort of an individual we need to carry on with a great remainder with.

We will encounter controls, untruths, double-dealing and will get injured all the more regularly by our accomplices. Therefore separations may follow. We may pardon, makeup over and over until we abandon the relationship altogether. This adoration ordinarily ends with a shock and tears in our eyes; however, this relationship will make us more grounded. Toward the end, we will comprehend the individual who is deserving of our trust and heart.

3. The third and last love

“I need every one of you. Your blemishes, your missteps and your flaws”
We fall in love with only 3 people in our lifetime - each for a specific reason

At this point, we presently don’t anticipate that affection should be a fantasy. We have encountered love to extraordinary profundities and have inwardly, intellectually and even genuinely endured. The third sort of adoration will show up into our lives startlingly. At first, when we met this individual, we may not have any desire to be involved with them because their character didn’t coordinate with us by any means. This adoration will be impromptu and show up out of nowhere. These variables will make the association more solid and energetic.

This adoration won’t be emotional and sentimental as the past undertakings; however, it will give better genuine feelings of serenity. The association we develop with them, the help they give us and the exertion they supplement to manufacture a future with us will make the bond more grounded. We will presently don’t need to shroud our blemishes and flaws as they will acknowledge us for what our identity is.

Even though we never envisioned we’ll wind up with this kind of an individual, we will be a lot more joyful from within.

For an individual, it can take an entire life to become familiar with the exercises of affection, or if you are fortunate, you may get a handle on every one of them just in a couple of years. We have seen individuals who experienced passionate feelings for at the period of 50+ and entered marriage. We additionally have seen individuals who have been hitched for a long time and still love their accomplices enthusiastically. This third sort of adoration could show up to your life at any age, and once you discovered it, its eternity.

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